What We Do

The Michel Lanfranchi Foundation is a public benefit organisation that seeks to contribute towards the development of the educational capacity in South Africa. The Foundation strives to see the empowerment of young South Africans to enable them to become contributing members of the South African economy. We seek to empower beneficiaries with education through our bursaries, contributing to individuals’ education and contributing to organisations through project funding.

Our Focus Areas

The Built Environment

All qualifications relating to the built environment that will positively contribute to the property and property development industry.

Maths and technology

Science and maths projects and degrees that will upskill beneficiaries and enable them to be employable.

Educational infrastructure

Supporting infrastructure needs that will benefit students and enable quality education for years to come.

Our Vision

  • increased broad-based and effective participation of Black people in the economy and the hope that higher levels of education and enterprise development would provide the individuals that are the participants to this scheme with an increased opportunity for future success.
  • A South African economy that is racially more equal by means of equipping previously disadvantaged individuals educational opportunities through our support of educational infrastructure in various forms and levels.

Our Mission

  • to contribute to educational infrastructure at primary, secondary and tertiary education levels, as well as to facilitate bursaries and scholarships to deserving individuals.
  • to contribute mainly to educational infrastructure and provision of access to improved education for Black communities and individuals.

Our Mandate

  • shall support enterprise and supplier development within the built environment context through financial support, mentoring and forging strategic partnerships with these entrepreneurs.
  • advance socio-economic improvement of predominantly Black beneficiaries. More than 85% of distributions from the Company shall benefit Black people as defined in the Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Act No. 53 of 2003 (“B-BBEE Act”) and more than 60% Black women, through the provision of services, funds, assets or other resources.